
DC Tutoring & Mentoring Initiative Community Platform

Welcome to The DC Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative. 

DC Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative is a coalition of organizations and individuals dedicated to transforming the community and empowering students in the District of Columbia. Two out of three students in DC are reading below grade level and many more have other academic and non-academic needs. We are committed to getting them the support they need to succeed — and to creating a stronger civic culture in the process. 
Click one of the links above to sign up to volunteer, read our blog, meet our partner organizations, or learn about our recent CivicFest 2018 event!

Sign up!

Volunteer Engagement Network (VEN)

The Volunteer Engagement Network (VEN) brings together staff from a wide variety of human service and other nonprofit organizations who recruit and manage volunteers.  Monthly or bimonthly meetings include opportunities for training, networking, and exploring collaborations to make a more effective nonprofit sector.  Recent meetings have included discussions of the impact of the Biden-Harris Administration on the nonprofit sector, how to talk to volunteers about social and racial justice, and the impact of COVID on volunteering.


Prince George's County Virtual Tutoring & Mentoring Volunteer Fair

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PG Fair!
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